Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Life is what you make it

So I have to say Thank you for all the kind comments and texts I received. They meant so much to me! My state of mind when I wrote my last blog was just awful! I was feeling down and honestly my attitude was just horrible! I was just mad at the world. I have since been doing lots of praying! Some pretty amazing things have transpired since then. I stumbled across a blog that really put things into perspective for me. Their was a verse in Hebrews 2:3 that stuck with me especially the word NEGLECT! I feel that was/is a big part of my problem. I have been neglecting my own needs and bending over backward for everyone else. In the end I am the only one suffering because of it. Also Brent and I watched the movie Fireproof. What an amazing eye opening movie that is:) I was moved to tears and just wanted to shout to the world how much I love being married to Brent and how proud I am that he is my husband. Since then I have really been trying to ask for more help and tell my feelings to others:) It seems to be helping so far. Not to mention the weather has been gorgeous here and I have been outside walking and spending time outdoors finally after the long Winter. What a difference that has made. Well I just wanted to let you all know I have been feeling great!! Have a wonderful and Blessed day:)

1 comment:

Kat said...

So wonderful to hear you're doing better. Just as one of my favorite sayings says "...This too shall pass." I am trying to work through my stuff too. We deserve to be happy!! Love ya!