Monday, January 4, 2010

10 Goals for 2010!

I think that starting sometime during the summer I realize that their is something that I want to change, stop doing, start doing or learn how to do...and I say that is my 'Goal" next year. I am sure that I have forgotten half of them by now but here are the few that have stuck in my mind...whats left of it :)

10 .5) Really put effort into this Blog:) Oh the possibilities....

10.) Be more aggressive/outspoken. I tend to stay quiet when I should speak up!

9.) Get more organized...this is hard. Because I am a CLOSET neat freak! I try to play it off that the messy toys and hubby clutter doesn't bother me but it DOES!

8.) Have a date night once a month. We used to do this but with each child it gets a little bit more difficult! I miss it so much:)

7.) Say NO!!! I tend to sign up/volunteer for way too much! At times it is overwhelming!!

6.) Stay on track financially:) This is my favorite! I love working with a budget. We are getting really good at it. First was cutting up the credit cards, now we are just about done paying them off...and now its onto saving $$$!

5.) This goes along with #6...adding $$ to the girls' Savings acct.s This is now going to be added officially into the budget. We always put Birthday/Holiday $ in their accts. but now I want to add a little each month no matter what:)

4.) Me time:) I love this thought! I need a little me time more often...once a day I will try to either take a cat nap, hot bath, read a little or just do NOTHING at all!

3.) Take a vacation....we need one and deserve it!!!

2.) Be in the moment...this is so hard for me. My husband is the most content and calm person that I know. I want to be a little more like that. I tend to get stressed, and worried about a lot of things that aren't in my control. I want to stay centered and realize nothing is as bad as it seems.

1.) Work on my relationship with God. I am enjoying my bible study...and this journey and I want to continue it.

3 comments: said...

#8 and #4 are musts!!

Lisa Sue said...

I feel like I wrote this with you! We have so much in common...except #6...I can only wish we were there!!! #10 is a must for me to work on too! Good luck with it deserve all the happiness this world can offer!! Have the BEST day Trisha!

xoxoxo ~Lori said...

I LOVE no. 1! It is my priority this year and am so excited about it! :) Love ya chick!
